PROGRESS Space Weather Summer School

Forecasting of the Radition Belts: Advances by PROGRESS and challenges ahead


The EC Horizon 2020 funded project PROGRESS (Coordinator University of Sheffield) will be running a summer school titled Forecasting of the Radiation Belts: Advances by PROGRESS and Challenge ahead. The summer school is aimed at postgraduate students and early career researchers in the field of Space Weather.

The school will cover:

  • Simulations of solar wind propagation from the Sun to L1
  • Forecast of the evolution of geomagnetic indices
  • Forecasts of the electron environment of the radiation belts

In addition, a representative of the H2020 project Flarecast that is devoted to the "The Fully Automated Solar Flare Forecasting System" ( will provide an overview of the Flarecast project results and challenges.


26-28 July, 2017


PortBlue Hotel, Carretera Alcudia - Puerto Pollensa, 07400 Alcudia (Mallorca) Spain.

The school will take place between 26-28 July, beginning around 9am on 26 and finishing around midday on the 28.

We have a block booking rooms at the hotel for the period 25-28 July. Support for all accepted students will include hotel accommodation for the period 25th-28th July (half board: Breakfast+Dinner). Priority will be given to students from the PROGRESS participant institutions but there are a limited number of places for students from other institutions.

For students, PROGRESS will pay hotel + half board.

To book a hotel room please email Simon Walker listing your name and check-in, check-out dates. Deadline July 1st, 2017



  • Michael Balikhin, University of Sheffield
  • Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, University of Sheffield
  • Richard Boynton, University of Sheffield
  • Simon Walker, University of Sheffield
  • Natalia Ganushkina, Finnish Meteorelogical Institute
  • Tony Arber, University of Warwick
  • Manolis Georgoulis, Academy of Athens

Wednesday July 26
0920 M. Balikhin Welcome, logistics
0930 M. Balikhin Space Weather: Concept, Advances, Challenges and Progress project concept and aims
1115 N. Ganushkina The ring current and radiation belts hazards
1245Lunch break
1500 H.-L. Wei Data based modeling of complex systems.
1645 M. Georgoulis FLARECAST - The Fully Automated Solar Flare Forecasting System
Thursday July 27
0930 R. Erdelyi The Sun: Our hostile neighbour
1115 T. Arber From the Sun to L1: Propagation of the solar wind
1245Lunch break
1500 S. Walker Forecast of geomagnetic indices needs and results
1530 H. Wei NARMAX approach to the forecast of complex systesm and its applications to the forecast of geomagnetic indices
1630 V. Yatsenko SRI develpments in space weather forecasting
1715 N. Ganushkina Modelling the low energy radiation belt electrons: IMPTAM results
Friday July 28
0930 R. Boynton Data based modelling of Modelling of electron fluxes and statistical wave models
1030 S. Walker VNC: The coupling between VERB and NARMAX electron fluxes and the fusion of forecast tools
1145 R. Boynton Future activties and further challenges
1210 R. Erdelyi Wrap up