Space Systems Laboratory (SSL)

The Space Systems Laboratory (SSL)

Welcome to the Space Systems Laboratory (SSL), a research group within the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE) at the University of Sheffield.

As a world class research group in the field of experimental and theoretical space plasma and solar physics our aim is to investigate the physical processes in the solar atmosphere, how such processes give rise to the Solar Wind at the Sun, its subsequent propagation through the solar system, its interaction the planets, and the effect this has on our local geospace environment.


Space Weather realtime forecast

   800keV electron flux        2MeV electron flux
800keV electron flux2MeV electron flux

We are also involved in the design, manufacture, and operation of satellite borne instrumentation and have a long history of involvement in high profile space missions.

SSL, together with the Solar Wave Theory Group (SWAT) (Department of Applied Mathematics) form the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP²RC). SP²RC seeks to understand the chain of key plasma processes from the interior and atmosphere of the Sun to the propagation of the Solar Wind within the Solar System and its interactions with the various planets, especially the Earth.

Within ACSE, the SSL is also part of the Complex Systems and Signal Processing Research group. This joint collaboration has enabled members of SSL to apply data analysis and modelling methods developed within the field of Systems Engineering to problems within the field of Space Plasma Physics.