Space Systems Laboratory (SSL)

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Aryan, H., D. Sibeck, M. Balikhin, O. Agapitov, and C. Kletzing
Observation of chorus waves by the van allen probes: dependence on solar wind parameters and scale size
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 121, 7608-7621, 2016

Balikhin, M. A., J. V. Rodriguez, R. J. Boynton, S. N. Walker, H. Aryan, D. G. Sibeck, and S. A. Billings
Comparative analysis of noaa refm and snb(3)geo tools for the forecast of the fluxes of high-energy electrons at geo
Sp. Weather: Int. J. Res. App. 14, 22-31, 2016

Boynton, R. J., D. Mourenas, and M. A. Balikhin
Electron flux dropouts at geostationary earth orbit: occurrences, magnitudes, and main driving factors
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 121, 8448-8461, 2016

Boynton, R. J., M. A. Balikhin, D. G. Sibeck, S. N. Walker, S. A. Billings, and N. Ganushkina
Electron flux models for different energies at geostationary orbit
Sp. Weather: Int. J. Res. App. 14, 846-860, 2016

Liemohn, M. W., M. Balikhin, L. Kepko, A. Rodger, and Y. Wang
Editorial: reviewer selection process and new areas of expertise in gems
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 121, 5566-5570, 2016

Liemohn, M. W., M. Balikhin, L. Kepko, A. Rodger, and Y. Wang
Appreciation of the 2015 jgr space physics peer reviewers
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 121, 3824-3863, 2016

Vaivads, A., A. Retino, J. Soucek, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, F. Valentini, C. P. Escoubet, O. Alexandrova, M. Andre, S. D. Bale, M. Balikhin, D. Burgessl, E. Camporeale, D. Caprioli, C. H. K. Chen, E. Clacey, C. M. Cully, J. De keyser, J. P. Eastwood, A. N. Fazakerley, S. Eriksson, M. L. Goldstein, D. B. Graham, S. Haaland, M. Hoshino, H. Ji, H. Karimabadi, H. Kucharek, B. Lavraud, F. Marcucci, W. H. Matthaeus, T. E. Moore, R. Nakamura, Y. Narita, Z. Nemecek, C. Norgren, H. Opgenoorth, M. Palmroth, D. Perrone, J. -. Pinqon, P. Rathsman, H. Rothkaeh, F. Sahraoui, S. Servidio, L. Sorriso-valvo, R. Vainio, Z. Voeroes, and R. F. Wimmer-schweingruber
Turbulence heating observer - satellite mission proposal
J. Plas. Phys. 82, 905820501, 2016

Walker, S. N., A. G. Demekhov, S. A. Boardsen, N. Y. Ganushkina, D. G. Sibeck, and M. A. Balikhin
Cluster observations of non-time continuous magnetosonic waves
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 121, 9701-9716, 2016

Williams, T., Y. Taroyan, and V. Fedun
The nonlinear evolution of a twist in a magnetic shocktube
Astrophys. J. 817, 92, 2016

Balikhin, M. A., Y. Y. Shprits, S. N. Walker, L. Chen, N. Cornilleau-wehrlin, I. Dandouras, O. Santolik, C. e. Carr, K. H. Yearby, and B. Weiss
Observations of discrete harmonics emerging from equatorial noise
Nat. Comms. 6, 7703, 2015

Boynton, R. J., M. A. Balikhin, and S. A. Billings
Online narmax model for electron fluxes at geo
Ann. Geo. 33, 405-411, 2015

Gedalin, M., Y. Friedman, and M. Balikhin
Collisionless relaxation of downstream ion distributions in low-mach number shocks
Phys. Plas. 22, 072301, 2015

Gedalin, M., Y. Kushinsky, and M. Balikhin
Profile of a low-mach-number shock in two-fluid plasma theory
Ann. Geo. 33, 1011-1017, 2015

Giagkiozis, I., V. Fedun, R. Erdelyi, and G. Verth
Axisymmetric modes in magnetic flux tubes with internal and external magnetic twist
Astrophys. J. 810, 2015

Griffiths, M. K., V. Fedun, and R. Erdelyi
A fast mhd code for gravitationally stratified media using graphical processing units: smaug
J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys.Astrophys. Ast. 36, 197-223, 2015

Kryshtal, A., V. Fedun, S. Gerasimenko, and A. Voitsekhovska
Oblique bernstein mode generation near the upper-hybrid frequency in solar pre-flare plasmas
Solar Phys. 290, 3331-3341, 2015

Macusova, E., O. Santolik, N. Cornilleau-wehrlin, and K. H. Yearby
Bandwidths and amplitudes of chorus-like banded emissions measured by the tc-1 double star spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 120, 1057-1071, 2015

Mumford, S. J., V. Fedun, and R. Erdelyi
Generation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in low solar atmospheric flux tubes by photospheric motions
Astrophys. J. 799, 6, 2015

Onishchenko, O., O. Pokhotelov, W. Horton, and V. Fedun
Dust devil vortex generation from convective cells
Ann. Geo. 33, 1343-1347, 2015

Rozhnoi, A., M. Solovieva, M. Parrot, M. Hayakawa, P. F. Biagi, K. Schwingenschuh, and V. Fedun
Vlf/lf signal studies of the ionospheric response to strong seismic activity in the far eastern region combining the demeter and ground-based observations
Phys. Chem. Earth 85-86, 141-149, 2015

Solovieva, M., A. Rozhnoi, V. Fedun, K. Schwingenschuh, and M. Hayakawa
Ionospheric perturbations related to the earthquake in vrancea area on november 22, 2014, as detected by electromagnetic vlf/lf frequency signals
Annals of Geophysics 58, A0552, 2015

Tatsuta, K., Y. Hobara, S. Pal, and M. Balikhin
Sub-ionospheric vlf signal anomaly due to geomagnetic storms: a statistical study
Ann. Geo. 33, 1457-1467, 2015

Walker, S. N., M. A. Balikhin, D. R. Shklyar, K. H. Yearby, P. Canu, C. M. Carr, and I. Dandouras
Experimental determination of the dispersion relation of magnetosonic waves
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 120, 9632-9650, 2015

Walker, S. N., M. A. Balikhin, P. Canu, N. Cornilleau-wehrlin, and I. Moiseenko
Investigation of the chirikov resonance overlap criteria for equatorial magnetosonic waves
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 120, 8774-8781, 2015

Wei, H., M. A. Balikhin, and S. N. Walker
A new ridge basis function neural network for data-driven modeling and prediction
in 10th International Conference On Computer Science Education (iccse 2015), 125-130, 2015

Aryan, H., K. Yearby, M. Balikhin, O. Agapitov, V. Krasnoselskikh, and R. Boynton
Statistical study of chorus wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere using ae and solar wind parameters
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 119, 2014

Aryan, H., M. A. Balikhin, A. Taktakishvili, and T. L. Zhang
Observation of shocks associated with cmes in 2007
Ann. Geo. 32, 223-230, 2014

Balikhin, M. A., A. Runov, S. N. Walker, M. Gedalin, I. Dandouras, Y. Hobara, and A. Fazakerley
On the fine structure of dipolarization fronts
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 119, 2014

Boynton, R. J., M. A. Balikhin, and D. Mourenas
Statistical analysis of electron lifetimes at geo: comparisons with chorus-driven losses
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 119, 2014

Gent, F. A., V. Fedun, and R. Erdelyi
Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium. ii. three-dimensional multiple open magnetic flux tubes in the stratified solar atmosphere
Astrophys. J. 789, 42, 2014

Krasnoselskikh, V., M. Balikhin, S. N. Walker, S. Schwartz, D. Sundkvist, V. Lobzin, M. Gedalin, S. D. Bale, F. Mozer, J. Soucek, Y. Hobara, and H. Comisel
The dynamic quasiperpendicular shock: cluster discoveries
Microphys. Cosmic Plasmas 47, 459-522, 2014

Onishchenko, O. G., O. A. Pokhotelov, and V. Fedun
Convection cells of internal gravity waves in the terrestrial atmosphere
Dok. Earth Sci. 454, 37-39, 2014

Onishchenko, O., O. Pokhotelov, W. Horton, A. Smolyakov, T. Kaladze, and V. Fedun
Rolls of the internal gravity waves in the earth's atmosphere
Ann. Geo. 32, 181-186, 2014

Pakhotin, I. P., A. Y. Drozdov, Y. Y. Shprits, R. J. Boynton, D. A. Subbotin, and M. A. Balikhin
Simulation of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using narmax-verb coupled codes
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 119, 8073-8086, 2014

Rozhnoi, A., M. Hayakawa, M. Solovieva, Y. Hobara, and V. Fedun
Ionospheric effects of the mt. kirishima volcanic eruption as seen from subionospheric vlf observations
J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 107, 54-59, 2014

Rozhnoi, A., M. Solovieva, B. Levin, M. Hayakawa, and V. Fedun
Meteorological effects in the lower ionosphere as based on vlf/lf signal observations
Nat. Haz. Earth Syst. Sci. 14, 2671-2679, 2014

Rozhnoi, A., M. Solovieva, M. Hayakawa, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Hobara, B. Levin, and V. Fedun
Tsunami-driven ionospheric perturbations associated with the 2011 tohoku earthquake as detected by subionospheric vlf signals
Geomatics Natural Hazard and Risk 5, 285-292, 2014

Rozhnoi, A., M. Solovieva, V. Fedun, M. Hayakawa, K. Schwingenschuh, and B. Levin
Correlation of very low and low frequency signal variations at mid-latitudes with magnetic activity and outer-zone particles
Ann. Geo. 32, 1455-1462, 2014

Rozhnoi, A., S. Shalimov, M. Solovieva, B. Levin, G. Shevchenko, M. Hayakawa, Y. Hobara, S. N. Walker, and V. Fedun
Detection of tsunami-driven phase and amplitude perturbations of subionospheric vlf signals following the 2010 chile earthquake
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 119, 5012-5019, 2014

Yearby, K. H., M. Balikhin, and S. N. Walker
Single-event upsets in the cluster and double star digital wave processor instruments
Sp. Weather: Int. J. Res. App. 12, 24-28, 2014

Aryan, H., R. Boynton, and S. Walker
Analysis of trends between solar wind velocity and energetic electron fluxes at geostationary orbit using the reverse arrangement test
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 118, 636-641, 2013

Boynton, R. J., M. A. Balikhin, S. A. Billings, and O. A. Amariutei
Application of nonlinear autoregressive moving average exogenous input models to geospace: advances in understanding and space weather forecasts
Ann. Geo. 31, 1579-1589, 2013

Boynton, R. J., M. A. Balikhin, S. A. Billings, G. D. Reeves, N. Ganushkina, M. Gedalin, O. A. Amariutei, J. E. Borovsky, and S. N. Walker
The analysis of electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit employing a narmax approach
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 118, 1500-1513, 2013

Boynton, R. J., S. A. Billings, O. A. Amariutei, and I. Moiseenko
The coupling between the solar wind and proton fluxes at geo
Ann. Geo. 31, 1631-1636, 2013

Dimmock, A. P., M. A. Balikhin, S. N. Walker, and S. A. Pope
Dispersion of low frequency plasma waves upstream of the quasi-perpendicular terrestrial bow shock
Ann. Geo. 31, 1387-1395, 2013

Gent, F. A., V. Fedun, S. J. Mumford, and R. Erdelyi
Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium - i. three-dimensional open magnetic flux tube in the stratified solar atmosphere
Mon. Not. R. Ast. Soc. 435, 689-697, 2013

Golbraikh, E., M. Gedalin, M. Balikhin, and T. L. Zhang
Large amplitude nonlinear waves in venus magnetosheath
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics) 118, 1706-1710, 2013

Krasnoselskikh, V., M. Balikhin, S. N. Walker, S. Schwartz, D. Sundkvist, V. Lobzin, M. Gedalin, S. D. Bale, F. Mozer, J. Soucek, Y. Hobara, and H. Comisel
The dynamic quasiperpendicular shock: cluster discoveries
sp. Sci. Rev. 178, 535-598, 2013

Kryshtal, A., S. Gerasimenko, A. Voitsekhovska, and V. Fedun
The ion-acoustic instability in the pre-flare plasma near the loop footpoints at solar active regions
Ann. Geo. 31, 2193-2200, 2013

Morton, R. J., G. Verth, V. Fedun, S. Shelyag, and R. Erdelyi
Evidence for the photospheric excitation of incompressible chromospheric waves
Astrophys. J. 768, 17, 2013

Onishchenko, O., O. Pokhotelov, and V. Fedun
Convective cells of internal gravity waves in the earth's atmosphere with finite temperature gradient
Ann. Geo. 31, 459-462, 2013

Pakhotin, I. P., S. N. Walker, Y. Y. Shprits, and M. A. Balikhin
Dispersion relation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves using cluster observations
Ann. Geo. 31, 1437-1446, 2013

Rastaetter, L., M. M. Kuznetsova, A. Glocer, D. Welling, X. Meng, J. Raeder, M. Wiltberger, V. K. Jordanova, Y. Yu, S. Zaharia, R. S. W eigel, S. Sazykin, R. Boynton, H. Wei, V. Eccles, W. Horton, M. L. Mays, and J. Gannon
Geospace environment modeling 2008-2009 challenge: d-st index
Sp. Weather: Int. J. Res. App. 11, 187-205, 2013

Srivastava, A. K., R. Erdelyi, D. Tripathi, V. Fedun, N. C. Joshi, and P. Kayshap
Observational evidence of sausage-pinch instability in solar corona by sdo/aia
Astrophys. J. Lett. 765, L42, 2013

Walker, S. N. and I. Moiseenko
Determination of wave vectors using the phase differencing method
Ann. Geo. 31, 1611-1617, 2013

Walker, S. N., V. Kadirkamanathan, and O. A. Pokhotelov
Changes in the ultra-low frequency wave field during the precursor phase to the sichuan earthquake: demeter observations
Ann. Geo. 31, 1597-1603, 2013

Yearby, K. H., S. N. Walker, and M. A. Balikhin
Enhanced timing accuracy for cluster data
Geosci. Inst. Meth. Data Syst. 2, 323-328, 2013

Zharkov, S., S. Shelyag, V. Fedun, R. Erdelyi, and M. J. Thompson
Photospheric high-frequency acoustic power excess in sunspot umbra: signature of magneto-acoustic modes
Ann. Geo. 31, 1357-1364, 2013

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